I didn't know there was a new file limit :O Thanks for the info :P
And um, this is a great piece. I love the little high pitched lead. Sounds like the one used in Ke$ha's Tik-Tok :P
I can tell you worked hard on this, congrats on top 5 :)
I didn't know there was a new file limit :O Thanks for the info :P
And um, this is a great piece. I love the little high pitched lead. Sounds like the one used in Ke$ha's Tik-Tok :P
I can tell you worked hard on this, congrats on top 5 :)
lol, thanks for reviewing xD
I'm assuming this is some kind of preview due to the fade-ins/fade-outs. That's a nice stab there, sounds very professional. There were too many fade-ins/fade-outs though, so it kind of looks like it's a very repetitive 6 minute piece. Maybe stating the duration might help, and maybe not fade into the same thing (eg 1:19, you could have used the last few bars before the piano so there is no need for a fade out instead of fading into nearly the same thing).
Another idea is to just take the climax and fade it in/out, simple and works :P
Just a few ideas to improve the preview. The piece itself sounds great. I'd say it goes in house, trance doesn't really have powerful stabs IMO.
Many thanks. I had to do it because I don't want internet trolls to steal this song as many of my tracks have already been. Thanks again for the opinion. I might redo the preview later. :)
Just curious
Did you use the bassline sample from youtube in that tutorial where that guy's got a cold? (heh only way I could describe it) Because I recognised the reverb delay effect he put on his lead in that tutorial (where the reverb came in only when you filtered in the lead).
No, its my own lead.
Very happy
A very uplifting piece you've made here :) I can imagine this being played in a movie scene where an army has just won an epic battle and are celebrating their victory.
The percussion is very good IMO, and fits very well with the orchestra, which is also very good. I noticed in author's comments that you have the East West Symphonic Orchestra. I took a look at that once...damn that's an expensive VST >.<
Anyway, a very well made piece, and only a WIP too :D
I hope you plan to extend the part where the percussion starts and add some epic stuff, cause this has a ton of potential.
Keep it up :)
"A very uplifting piece you've made here :) I can imagine this being played in a movie scene where an army has just won an epic battle and are celebrating their victory."
That's basically what i had in mind when i made this and its good to see that people interpreted the music as i wanted.
"The percussion is very good IMO, and fits very well with the orchestra, which is also very good."
Normally percussion isn't really my strong point, and it definitely needs more work to make it better, but good to know that the basics are decent, thank you.
"I noticed in author's comments that you have the East West Symphonic Orchestra. I took a look at that once...damn that's an expensive VST >.<"
Yeah, saving up for the Silver took me several months, but hell was it worth it. The East West Stormdrum is also a great VST, as is the East West Symphonic Choirs, which i also have. If you ever get serious about making classical music, then i'd suggest East West, its expensive but its quality is amazing
"Anyway, a very well made piece, and only a WIP too :D I hope you plan to extend the part where the percussion starts and add some epic stuff, cause this has a ton of potential."
I do indeed plan to expand on this, and i've already continued the drum bit. Hopefully i'll have enough time to finish it.
"Keep it up :)"
I will thanks ;)
Thanks for the review!
Very nice
All the synths in here sound very professional, have to congratulate you on that :). The blips are very well placed and mix perfectly with the bass. The only thing I would have to say is that the whole song itself doesn't really change much except for the lyrics, but then again I'm not a lyric-y kind of person so I ignore them :P The change in lyrics could probably make up for that.
A great piece though in my opinion. Don't see too much of this here on NG :) Keep it up.
I know what you mean^^ thats why i tryed changing up the bass melodies when ever i could. I didnt really have allot of elements to progress on. My usual trance stuff is far more progressive than this. This is also one of my first house songs so il probably get better at it in time. Thanks for the review =D
I'm just gonna review this and see how you reply after reading your replies :D.
Oh uh..something constructive...
Sounds liek mice.
you little bitch dont talk to me like that again
Very nice
That's a really catchy tune paired with a great kick. The other percussion also sounds great with the mix. Not much I can criticise here. Maybe use more cymbals/crashes here and there. Sounds a tiny empty without them. Otherwise, amazing job. You've got great potential. Good luck.
Thanks lots for the review! :) I still have lots more to work on though, i think! :O
67 votes with a fricken 4.97!!
So, who would wish to bet with me who will get into top 5.
Haha, didn't happen. You can write a check for $50 to... haha jk.
That panned snare effect really got my attention man! That was amazing.
The song overall was very well composed. I have to say I'm not a fan of ambient much at all, but this managed to keep my attention till the very end by introducing new stuff and giving stuff a break just at the right times. I'm not too good at that :S
The outro was strange but I loved it. Was it the snare reversed with the same effects? It sounded really cool ^^.
Anyway, good luck against Nubbin :)
The ping pong delay in Ableton is great for the panning and the outro was the intro reversed with a hig pass filter, nothing too out there :)
Thanks for the review, and glad ya liked it :)
I experiment with a wide range of electronic genres (currently experimenting with complextro). I've been making music since November 2009. I use FL Studio 10 (Producer Edition) for all my productions and I currently use 3xOsc and Sytrus as my main VSTs.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 10/24/09